Thursday, January 15, 2009

McDonnell outraises McAuliffe

The fundraising race for Virginia Governor is on! Bob McDonnell outraised Terry McAuliffe, according to Politico:
Here’s an early fundraising surprise in the Virginia governor’s race: Republican Robert McDonnell has outraised Terry McAuliffe since the Democratic fundraising dynamo opened his campaign committee last November.

McDonnell’s campaign announced today that the state attorney general raised “over $1 million” since McAuliffe joined the race, and has raised $1.6 million over the full fundraising period from July to December 2008.

He has over $2 million on hand, and faces no opposition for the Republican primary.

Earlier this month, McAuliffe touted his own fundraising numbers, announcing he raised “nearly” $1 million since launching his campaign in mid-November for the Democratic gubernatorial nomination.

“Given that Chairman McAuliffe is a professional fundraiser and his ability to raise money has been a central rationale for his candidacy, it’s surprising he did not raise more money,” said McDonnell spokesman Phil Cox.
We're on our way....

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