Monday, January 19, 2009

Staunton store window: "Thank You, President Bush"

Update: Vandalism? Poo left at Staunton store with tribute to President Bush

"Thank You, Mr. President"
is seen in Zelma's front window as historic downtown Staunton buildings
are reflected in the background.

This "Win the War" sign has been in the shop window for three years. The owner's husband served a year in Iraq.

Zelma's ... Purveyors of Antiques, Vintage Clothing, Kitsch, and Fun!

Zelma's is your headquarters for Mardi Gras supplies.

Vintage vinyl records....

Zelma's is one of those fun shops in historic downtown Staunton ... but inside is a conservative young lady whose Army National Guard husband spent a year in Iraq ... a young lady who has a tribute in her display window for President George W. Bush thanking him for his leadership the past eight years.

"Win the War," "Support President Bush and the Troops," and photos and newspaper articles adorn the window, recognizing the accomplishments of this President as he has kept America safe from terrorism after the 9/11 attacks.

When you're riding down Beverley Street, watch for the purple storefront and the window that says, "Thank You, Mr. President." And if you agree, honk the horn and let them know or, better still, pop in and tell her thanks.

Photos by SWAC Girl


  1. Nice idea. I think I will go down there and take pics, maybe even run a blog on it myself.

    PS - I heard there is going to be two million sheep in DC. I wonder what that is all about? I reported on that this morning on my blog.

  2. Amen Mr Harkonnen. So it looks the like the change we are in for is aimless spending. Who would have guessed that?
