Monday, February 09, 2009

Nelson County Life mag continues to follow Augusta tax revolt

Together, Augusta ... we can do it! The story of our tax revolt is being followed on the Nelson County Life magazine blog where they faced a similar battle last year.

Today another entry shows they have their eyes on our situation.
We’ve been telling you about the move in neighboring Augusta County, Virginia to raise property taxes after reassessments there ringing so familiar to those we saw in Nelson County saw last year. The fight continues in Augusta with only one BOS member thus far standing with the people over the outrage of the increases.

Apparently when the masses speak up, it does have an impact. SWAC Girl reports in her blog that in Bath County last year, the increases were deemed so ridiculous that the appraisal firm was eventually fired and the tax rate rolled back to it’s original rate before appraisal.
Check out the entire blog entry here. I like the way they ended:
Note to elected officials, cut government, cut the waste, get your house in order before you come into ours.
Amen. And our thanks to our friends at Nelson County Life for their interest.

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