Friday, March 06, 2009

Barbara Bush recovers from heart surgery

Best wishes go out to former First Lady Barbara Bush, 83, as she recuperates from heart surgery. Fox News reported:
Former first lady Barbara Bush was making "an excellent recovery" following 2 1/2-hour heart surgery to replace her aortic valve and was joking with hospital staff, her lead surgeon said Thursday.
He said Mrs. Bush awakened earlier than most elderly patients do after undergoing the "very routine procedure" and started joking with the doctors.

"She recognized all of us immediately and then she started cheering us up with some humorous comments as soon as we took that tube out," Lawrie said, referring to the intubation tube in her throat, noting that she gently cajoled him for having "misled" her about post-operative pain.

"She continued to do very well," he said.

Her husband, former President George H.W. Bush, said "she looks well to me, and beautiful," as he choked back tears, describing the operation as one of the most stressful days of his life.
The Bushes have been married 64 years.

Prayers and get well wishes to Mrs. Bush.

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