Monday, March 09, 2009

Bill Bolling: "New Ideas for a Better Virginia" video

Lt. Gov. Bill Bolling has released a "New Ideas for a Better Virginia" web video that highlights his background, record of bipartisan results, and new ideas to address the challenges facing Virginia.

RICHMOND - Lieutenant Governor Bill Bolling today released a web video called "New Ideas for a Better Virginia." The video highlights Lieutenant Governor Bolling's background, record of bipartisan results and vision for the future, focusing on realistic and workable solutions to the challenges facing Virginia.

"Virginia is a great place to live, work and raise a family," Lieutenant Governor Bolling said. "However, we face some serious challenges in Virginia today.

"We must do more to create jobs and get our economy growing again. We must make certain that every child in Virginia has the opportunity for a first class, world class education so they can compete in the global marketplace of the 21st century. And we must find realistic, workable solutions to our transportation challenges and get traffic moving again so that our economy can flourish and we can improve the quality of life of our people.

"Bob McDonnell and I have the experience to lead Virginia into the future, and we have a record of working on a bipartisan basis to get things done in Richmond. That's the kind of leadership the people of Virginia are looking for, and that's the kind of leadership we need to build a better Virginia."

Please click here to view the "New Ideas" video.

The video highlights Lieutenant Governor Bolling's humble beginnings. Bolling grew up in Southwest Virginia and Southern West Virginia. The son of a coal miner, he was the first in his family to graduate from college. He and his wife Jean Ann moved to Hanover County in 1981, where they started a family and became involved in the community. Bolling still teaches an adult Sunday School class at his local church.

During his 10 years in the State Senate, Bolling was a bipartisan leader on important health care and environmental issues. Bolling served as Chairman of the General Assembly's Joint Commission on Health Care, the Commission on the Future of Virginia's Environment and the Chesapeake Bay Commission.

Bolling was the chief sponsor of legislation to create a Children's Health Insurance program in Virginia, and he led the fight to reduce the amount of garbage being imported to Virginia from other states.

The video also highlights Lieutenant Governor Bolling's bipartisan legislation that allowed more flexibility for the Governor's Economic Opportunity Fund to provide incentives to recruit new jobs to economically depressed regions of Virginia. As a result of this legislation new businesses and jobs are being recruited to many parts of rural Virginia.

As Lieutenant Governor, Bolling started the 100 Ideas for the Future of Virginia initiative, which was designed to reach out to community leaders, business leaders, political leaders and regular citizens to discuss the challenges facing Virginia and find realistic, workable solutions to these challenges. In 2007 Bolling held more than 50 Town Hall Idearaisers across Virginia to solicit New Ideas For A Better Virginia. These ideas will serve as the foundation for his reelection campaign.

"This campaign will be about which candidate has a record of results and the right vision for the future of Virginia, and which candidate is prepared to provide the leadership that is necessary to find realistic and workable solutions to the challenges we face. I look forward to sharing my positive vision for the future of Virginia with the voters, and asking their support of my re-election campaign," Lieutenant Governor Bolling said.

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