Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Never forget ... "Run for the Fallen"

I recently posted about Run for the Fallen and the locations of flags remembering and honoring the three young Marines from Augusta County who were killed in Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Today I received the following from fellow SWAC blogger Bob over at The Journey:
Lynn -- Thank you for mentioning Run for the Fallen. I was coming back from hiking in Shenandoah last summer when I came upon the memorial at the top of the pass. I read the names and cried a bit. Please feel free to use this photo of the flags. I thought it was a beautiful tribute to some beautiful lives. -- Bob
On August 13, 2008, Bob posted about finding the American flags:
Today's Heroes
Modern Soldiers Deserve Our Respect and Admiration

Having given up on the mainstream media before the surge, I suppose this is old news to some, but I found this group, Veterans for Freedom, a breath of fresh air. Their mission is simply to make sure the real story gets told. Indeed there is plenty of heroic good to report and I think it is a shame that the press goes silent when there is progress.

Perhaps it is just the "bad news sells papers" phenomenom but the young men and women who put themselves in harm's way deserve better from a free press that thrives in a free nation who owes that freedom to the sacrifice of such men and women.

So stop by their Website and learn more about their mission.
I agree with Bob ... we can never repay our military for the freedom we enjoy due to their service to country. The very least we can do is recognize them, thank them ... and never forget.

Photo by Bob K.

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