Thursday, March 05, 2009

News Virginian editorial: "Supervisors, take a stand"

Augusta County real estate battle leading to tax revolt tea party

The Waynesboro News Virginian continues to follow the tax revolt issue in Augusta County as the days tick off the calendar leading to March 11's Board of Supevisors meeting. Residents have been urged to attend and support Churchville attorney Francis Chester as he turns in thousands of names on petitions. Feedback indicates a good turnout.

In "Supervisors, take a stand," the NV's editorial talks about Wayne supervisor Wendell Coleman who has been quoted as saying the county assessments will be a cakewalk compared to budget cuts. The NV's editorial today responded:
We aren’t buying it. Neither are Augusta taxpayers.

They are preparing for what Lynn Mitchell calls on her SWAC Girl blog a “tax revolt tea party” Wednesday at the supervisors meeting, during which Churchville lawyer Francis Chester plans to present petitions demanding a rollback of the reassessment to 2005. Property owners are predictably angry that values have increased by an average of more than a fourth. Supervisors like Coleman are unpredictably deaf to the cries of outrage.

Apart from the Gang of Six, a seventh supervisor, Tracy Pyles of the Pastures District, has been working feverishly to sift reason from thick obduracy, so far to no avail. He backs Chester’s call, but has been rebuffed by the Gang on legal grounds.
Read the entire editoral here.

The Board of Supervisors meeting is March 11 at 7 pm at the Government Center in Verona. For more information or to sign the petition, go here.

Together, Augusta ... we can make a difference!

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