Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Michael Steele: "End to era of Republican apologizing"

I caught RNC Chairman Michael Steele's remarks today on Fox News as he addressed GOP leaders from across the nation. He was positive and upbeat, emphasizing that the time is now for this Party to move forward.

About Obama he said:
This popular politician who is our president is engaged in the most massive expansion of the old industrial age model of government that our country has ever seen. This popular politician is spending America into debt of such mammoth proportions that none of us can even begin to calculate it or really understand it. The numbers are so big that they seem impossible.

If we have the courage of our convictions, and we do, then we will and we must stand against these disastrous policies ... This is the future of our country that is at stake.

The guy who campaigned in favor of bottom-up style of governing is presiding over the most massive top down expansion of government bureaucracy and spending our country has ever seen or even contemplated.

Candidate Obama was very moderate in his views, but President Obama could not possibly be further to the far left.
The content of his entire remarks is here.

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