Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Is waterboarding worse than abortion?

Waterboarding ... a means to retrieve information from the enemy.

Abortion ... the termination of pregnancy.

One ends in discomfort. The other ends in death. Which is worse? Donald Douglas at American Power blog responds in "Is waterboarding worse than abortion?"

1 comment:

  1. Other false dichotomies brought to you by the Department of Questions That Seem To Have a Point but Really Don't:

    Is taking away someone's freedom of religion worse than the death penalty?

    Is the right to vote more precious than the right to own property?

    Is running over your dog worse than killing your grandmother?

    By the way, I would say the answer to the (stupid) question is no, but that doesn't mean that either are a good idea. And I doubt you'll win any supporters to your side on either of those topical issues by presenting your position in such a way. I think the best way to win people to the anti-abortion cause is to understand it and present it as a human rights issue, which requires:
    1. Proving that the fetus deserves the same rights as a fully-formed human baby.
    2. Respecting the human rights of the mother and father involved.
    3. Honoring the human rights of the baby as it grows up, including NOT torturing people, which is article 5 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, to which the US has been a signatory for more than sixty years.
