Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Candidates for 20th House of Delegate seat

The names have been released of those interested in pursuing the 20th House of Delegates seat that will be left open by Del. Chris Saxman in November. Sadly, there are no women candidates among the eight names:

- Dickie Bell, Staunton City Councilman
- Cliff Fretwell, realtor and former Staunton GOP Chairman
- Charles Curry, former Augusta BOS member who originally challenged Chris Saxman for the Republican nomination for this seat in 2001. He reportedly left the Republican Party when he did not win it and ran as an Independent against current Republican BOS member Larry Howdyshell in 2007, a race he lost.
- Chris DeWald
- Charles Hawkins
- Ray Ergenbright, former Staunton Commissioner of the Revenue who lost his 2005 reelection bid to current Commissioner of the Revenue Maggie Ragon.
- David Karaffa, 25, cardiac RN at Augusta Medical Center, former Beverley Manor Republican District Chairman

Hopefully, more information will be coming about the process from this point forward. It has been heard there may be more than just the Monday meeting. Meanwhile, many are googling the names to become more familiar with all who have thrown their hats in the ring.

UPDATE: More information available:
- Waynesboro News Virginian
- Staunton News Leader

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