Thursday, August 06, 2009

AMERICANS are angry ... all political parties are at townhalls

~It's not a Republican plot~
"Report war protesters who do not agree with America's decision to send troops to Iraq and Afghanistan to protect our country. Underground emails and private conversations may be passing misinformation about the war on terror so report those to the White House." --President George W. Bush
That never happened ... but if it had, the mainstream media, Democrats, and leftist radicals would have gone nuclear in their outrage and indignation at the invasion into their private lives.

Fast forward to August 2009. A huge socialized health care bill is being backed by the White House and Democrat-controlled Congress with plans to jam it down the throats of an unwilling American public. Protests break out ... everyday Americans begin to speak up to alert their elected representatives that they do not want this huge monstrosity for their country. The government doesn't like it ... and they formulate a plan to collect names of dissenters.

Sound familiar? Anyone remember the U.S.S.R. and East Germany of the 1950s, 60s, and 70s? What Obama is doing brings that to mind.

Yesterday Barack Obama's White House complained of "disinformation about health care reform" and requested Americans turn in other Americans:
"These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation," [White House director of new media] Phillips wrote. "Since we can't keep track of all of them here at the White House, we're asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to"
Say what? Where is the media outrage?

Today's Washington Examiner notes that Obama's dissident database could be secret -- and permanent. Meanwhile, Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) immediately responded to the White House tactics, as reported by Byron York:
In a letter to Obama Tuesday, Republican Sen. John Cornyn wrote that, given Phillips' request, "it is inevitable that the names, email address, IP addresses, and private speech of U.S. citizens will be reported to the White House." Cornyn warned the president that "these actions taken by your White House staff raise the specter of a data collection program."

"I can only imagine the level of justifiable outrage had your predecessor asked Americans to forward emails critical of his policies to the White House," Cornyn continued. "I urge you to cease this program immediately."
So what happens to those emails sent to the White House?

They become part of the permanent record and cannot be removed. Freedom of Information Act requests can't touch them.

What is Barack Obama doing?

We are a mere seven months into this administration and look at the dissent he has caused in the country after campaigning on hope and change and being a uniter. What is Obama going to do to this country over the next 3 1/2 years?

I shudder to think about it. And I brace myself and dig my heels in deeper because we are going to need everyone to stand strong against what is increasingly reminiscent of a dictatorial organization.

A woman calling Bill Bennett's radio show this morning described Barack Obama as the best community organizer she had ever seen because he had done the best job of organizing conservatives and Republicans of anyone she had seen.

Byron York concluded today's editorial:
Linda Douglass, head of communications for the White House Office of Health Reform, says the White House is "not compiling lists or sources of information" on opponents of health care reform.

But if "fishy" information is indeed collected, as Phillips' request suggested, the laws involved mean that the information obtained by the White House could not only be secret but permanent. A dissident database, in whatever precise form it ultimately takes, could be around for a long time to come.
Remember ... while the Democrats are calling law-abiding Americans "angry mobs," the best way to squash dissent is to belittle and criticize and isolate. Keep in mind who is making those accusations ... Barack Obama came from Chicago and if you don't know about Chicago politics, do some research. Bobby Eberle wrote at GOPUSA:
... the Obama White House has taken the "tough business" of politics to a new level, and these actions by Obama's advisors are getting the attention of members of Congress. It appears that this era of "hope and change" was code for replacing professionalism and respect with scare tactics and threats.
As we've seen with Obama's reaction to the arrest of Professor Gates, when Obama was quick to play the "race card," we now see that his advisers are quick to use scare tactics against those who oppose Obama's plans. Just think... this is the man (and his team) whom the media hail as a "uniter." What a joke.
This dissent is from AMERICANS. It's not a Democrat thing ... it's not a Republican thing. Citizens of all political persuasions are turning out.

For the first time in my life I am seeing citizens attend townhall meetings and question their elected reps. For the first time in my life I am seeing an apathetic society become energized and alert ... and it was all done in the span of five months by the man who wooed and sweet-talked America into believing he would bring everyone together. However, he got greedy and pushed too hard and, as a result, has awakened a sleeping giant.

Pay attention. The next eight weeks will be extremely important as we see how Congress continues on the path of massive government expansion ... and if they listen to citizens. Stay alert, stay informed, be vocal.

September 12 ... the Tea Party Movement goes to Washington. Join us! In the Shenandoah Valley we have buses going to DC that day ... $35 per person ... pickup stops will be along I-81.

This is our opportunity to stand up and be counted in the Nation's Capitol -- a huge conservative movement. Folks are driving across the nation from California to be in DC. We're only three hours away! Email for more information and to sign up for the bus.

Exercise your First Amendment right. Join us in Washington on September 12.

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