Friday, August 07, 2009

Americans for Prosperity: HANDS OFF MY HEALTH CARE

HANDS OFF MY HEALTH CARE ... the Americans For Prosperity bus has been traveling the country (including Virginia) collecting signatures on petitions telling Washington, D.C., that Americans do not want the monstrosity socialized health care bill.

Today Rush Limbaugh shared the website address during his conservative radio talk show to get the word out to his millions of listeners.

September 12 ... National Tea Party goes to Washington, D.C. Join us as we board buses to be counted and stand up against nationalized socialized health care. Cost is $35 per person with pickup points along I-81 in the Shenandoah Valley ... buses will be heading to D.C. from across the nation.

Hop on board the Freedom Express! Email to reserve a seat.

America, it's time to speak up!

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