Tuesday, August 11, 2009

And the beat goes on....

I learned early in my Republican volunteer life that Democrats pay for workers, some who deal in dirty shenanigans.

Nothing has changed.

While it's no secret that Barack Obama and the Democrats hoped to jam nationalized health care down the throats of Americans before the August recess, what is occurring at townhall meetings across the nation is amazing. Ordinary citizens are turning out and speaking up, expressing their objections and concerns about the 1,017-page bill that few have read and fewer understand.

From Craig's List:
Now is our chance to make health care work.

America’s health care system is broken. Health care costs are spiraling out of control, throwing families, businesses and government into financial crisis. Families are worried their health coverage won’t be there when they need it. Our country can’t afford to wait for health reform that keeps costs down and protects consumers.

We can’t wait for affordable, dependable health care.

We’re fighting for health care that will protect families’ financial health, lay out a clear path for all Americans to afford health care, and improve patient safety and quality care.

You can work for change.

Join motivated staff around the country working to make change happen. You can make great friends and money along the way. Earn $400-$600 a week.

To apply for a job, visit ...
This is a repeat of Democrat strategy ... astroturfing, if you will ... and the beat goes on.

H/T From On High

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