Sunday, August 16, 2009

Back to SWAC from the Outer Banks

Fishersville Mike and Bob from The Journey have found their way home to the Valley after spending last week at the Outer Banks of North Carolina.

Bob remembers his first trip to Nags Head when he was 13 years old ... and Mike says life is good.

Welcome back, Guys!


  1. I finally got to see 'The Lost Colony' too. 45 years later.

    Mike is right. Life is good! We got back in time for me to paticipate in Church in the Park.

    My lovely wife's comment: "You remember the NAMES in that comic book?"

  2. Congrats on finally seeing The Lost Colony. Hope you had mosquito repellent! :)

    Mike IS right ... life IS good. Unfortunately, I forgot about Church in the Park. It's been a family day here and it totally escaped me.

    Remembering the names to comic book characters ... that's pretty good and shows how some things from our childhoods are seared into our brains. :)

  3. We went to see Lost Colony in 1974. Unfortunately, the restaurant messed up our order so we arrived late at the show. Did get to see the Indians, though.

  4. Too bad you missed much of the play. It's neat the way the setting is right there on Roanoke Sound ... makes you think about how it must have been way back when the story took place.

    Hope dinner was good!
