Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The fine print of the nationalized health care bill

It is becoming clearer every day why Democrat President Barack Obama wanted to jam nationalized health care through Congress before the August recess. As more Americans read the massive 1,017-page tome, details emerge that Democrats did not want the American public to know.

Do you realize the "nationalized health bill" has provisions for beautifying streets? For building bicycle paths? What? You thought it was all about health care?

That's part of the problem. It is not all about health care.

Most elected representatives do not know everything in the bill ... and that is why there is outrage from ordinary citizens. Frustration is simmering at townhall meetings from voters who have been asked to sign on the dotted line without reading the fine print. A new Rasmussen poll now shows support for the bill has plummeted to 42%, down 8% from two weeks ago.

Jeff Emanuel at RedState has uncovered troubling aspects of the huge bill:
Under the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee’s “Affordable Health Choices Act,” local governments can apply for “community transformation” grants to build jungle gyms, sidewalks, bicycle paths, and grocery stores, to install streetlights, and to establish new farmers’ markets.

The dollar amount of these grants, and of the total “community transformation” earmark program, is left to the discretion of the Obama administration.

Cities can also apply for “community makeover” grants, which can provide them with up to $10 per resident in taxpayer dollars for “beautifying streets.”
What do any of those have to do with health care?

More problems with the bill are found at The Health Care Blog.

Just as the Baby Boom generation, an estimated 30% of the population, approaches retirement age, Democrats are angling to cut Medicare by $500 million to help pay the huge price tag for nationalized health care.

Read the bill.

Contact Virginia senators Jim Webb (202. 224-4024) and Mark Warner (202. 224-2023) to ask that they vote NO on the health care bill.

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