Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Measure twice ... cut once

Anyone who has worked in carpentry knows the old saying, "Measure twice ... cut once." In other words, be certain before putting saw to wood because there's no turning back.

The same could be said of bloggers. "Verify ... recheck ... and then write."

Unfortunately, Ben Tribbett aka "Not Larry Sabato" went with sensationalism instead of checking for the truth in a post about Bob McDonnell ... but the Washington Post's blog took the time to check and verify and discovered NLS's story was wrong.

Jim Hoeft at Bearing Drift has Tuesday's original story with a link to the WaPo ... Shaun Kenney has more and points out the obvious here ...

... Mike at Write Side of My Brain also posts about it as well as Kat at CatHouse Chat ... Jim Riley over at Virginia Virtucon has thoughts here ...

... Krystle at Crystal Clear Conservative comments on it all ... and Jason Kenney at J's Notes adds his thoughts. Tim at I'm Surrounded By Idiots is unamused by blog shenanigans.

RedState's Erick Erickson has also weighed in ... and DJ over at Right-Wing Liberal adds humor to the entire situation.

Round 2 on Wednesday...
- Jason Kenney has follow-up with his post on Bearing Drift, What we've come to expect from Virginia's biggest Democratic bloggers.
- Jim Hoeft at Bearing Drift also follows up with RedState and Blue Virginia weigh in on flag flap.
- Cato at DelMarVa Dealings weighs in with Virginia Dems Playing Race Card Early.

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