Monday, August 10, 2009 at Perriello (D-5th CD) townhall TONIGHT

They're baaacck. is working the Commonwealth of Virginia on behalf of Democrat President Barack Obama's socialized health care issue. They are begging people to attend townhalls to show support for the bill.

Here is a blast email sent by
Dear xxxxx,

This August is the make-or-break month for health care reform.

Can you come to an event with Rep. Tom Perriello in Ruckersville [Monday, August 10]?

Right-wing extremists are crashing tons of events—so it's up to us to make sure the majority of folks who want reform get heard. We need to make sure Rep. Tom Perriello knows that constituents are counting on him to support health care reform with a real public health insurance option that will expand coverage and bring down costs for all of us.

We have numbers on our side, but Rep. Perriello won't know it unless we all show up. Critical votes on health care will come as soon as Congress returns to Washington, so there's no time to waste.

Click here to RSVP:

- Yes, I'll be there on Monday at 6 p.m.
- Sorry, I can't make it.

We're in a critical month for President Obama's agenda. Corporate lobbyists are trying to weaken or kill both his energy and health care plans. And recently, right-wing opponents of President Obama's agenda have been hijacking town halls and other public events. They're even using fraudulent tactics, like bringing in people who don't even live in the district.1 We urgently need to make sure everyday constituents are heard in the public debate over health care—and coming to this event is a timely and easy way to do that.

Can you be there on Monday at 6 p.m.?

Thanks for all you do,
–Nita, Anna, Lenore, Ilya and the rest of the team

When you hit the button, "YES I WILL BE THERE," this screen comes up:
Thanks for signing up to attend a health care event. Here are the details for your event:

Rep. Tom Perriello Tom In Your Town
Ruckersville Elementary School
105 Progress Place, Ruckersville, VA 22968

Monday, Aug 10, 2009, at 6:00 PM — 8:00 PM

Here are some signs to print out and bring to the town hall:

- "Public Option = Affordable Health Care" sign
- "Prescription: Public Option" sign
- "83% Support the Public Option" sign

Here are a few talking points you can use to ask a question at the town hall:
1) I'm here to urge you to push for passage of a health care reform plan with a real public health insurance option as soon as you head back to Washington. It's critical for controlling skyrocketing costs and guaranteeing security for all of us.

2) Our health care system is broken—costs are skyrocketing and too many people can't afford coverage. The heart of President Obama's health care plan—the public health insurance option—is the key to fixing those problems.

3) We need action now. The cost of inaction is too high—every day that we delay, 14,000 Americans lose their insurance and nearly 2,500 file for bankruptcy because of medical costs. And costs continue to spiral out of control: average family premiums will hit $22,000 a year in the next decade.

4)With a real public option, costs will start to go down and millions of individuals, families, and small businesses will have access to high-quality, affordable health insurance. And no matter what happens to our jobs or our health, a public option will always be there for us. Will you fight to make sure a real public health insurance option is included in health care reform this year? is astroturfing, not Americans speaking up because of genuine concerns instead of talking points.

H/T jb

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