Monday, August 24, 2009

VA Tomorrow: "Why the Deeds campaign isn't working"

Political pundit Bob Holsworth's Virginia Tomorrow blog has a guest post column that suggests the Creigh Deeds campaign isn't working. Author Tony Lee writes:
To say that Deeds and his campaign have been “erratic” to this point would actually be an understatement. It may actually even be complimentary.

Fortunately for Deeds, he has two months to right his campaign. If last Friday’s “reset” speech was any indication, Virginians are likely to see many more attempts to reset his campaign.
Good article. There's time for Mr. Deeds to get his sea legs and the polls will tighten before election day but if the McDonnell campaigh stays on track, Virginia may see the governor's mansion returned to the red column.

H/T Shaun Kenney

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