Sunday, September 27, 2009

Lynchburg News & Advance: "Governor's Race Devoid of Issues, Filled with Fibs"

While I watch the Democrat bloggers sing Creigh Deeds' praises for his "transportation plan" and whatever else they can find to advance, I don't blame them because they are, of course, supporting their even if they have to grasp at straws to do so.

But then comes along a newspaper editorial that slams Deeds and boldly points out the glaring lack of decency in his campaign as he distorts, lies, and omits the truth in TV and radio ads.

The Lynchburg News and Advance smacks down the Democrat's eagerness to throw mud in this election cycle, probably because he has nothing positive to offer the citizens of Virginia. This paragraph from the op ed is striking:
Virginia needs a governor who leads from the front, not the rear. And right now, Creigh Deeds is gazing at the backsides of his followers, while Bob McDonnell is staring straight at the critical issues Virginia faces.
And there's much more that the News & Advance opines about that's worth reading.

Bob McDonnell for Governor 2009

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