Saturday, September 19, 2009

Perfect Fall day in the Valley....

The temp is in the mid 60s ... low humidity ... sunny. It's the perfect fall day in the Shenandoah Valley. So why am I on the computer? I brought in a load of clothes from the clothes line and quickly jumped online to check email and scan Blog Net News.

But the day calls me back outdoors as we work in the garden, put away flower window boxes, hang the fall wreaths and welcome plaques, clean the chimney, and rake leaves in the back yard.

SWAC Husband is working on the woodpile, splitting wood as we anticipate a bad winter since the Farmer's Almanac has promised the winter of 2009-10 will be cold, cold, cold for much of the country. Even thought it says that here in Virginia we will have average cold and precipitation, it goes on to warn that those on the coasts should not think they're getting off the hook. It's not been cold enough for the woodstove yet this fall but the usual time frame calls for fires by early- to mid-October which is right around the corner.

And so we prepare on these mild days for the cold days ahead. The garden is still producing peppers and tomatoes ... cabbages, cauliflower, and pumpkins are coming along to be harvested in October. Apples and black walnuts are heavy on the trees with the critters getting to them before we do. There's an urgency to finish with outdoor projects now that the leaves are beginning to turn and some nights are in the 40s.

The calendar may say it doesn't begin until Tuesday but it's fall in the Shenandoah Valley....

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