Friday, October 30, 2009


Norm at Tertium Quids writes what I have noticed while reading the headlines going through the BNN aggregator today: It's an all-out liberal attack against Ken Cuccinelli in these last few days of the 2009 campaign season. It's obvious the Democrat memo went out.

They have given up on governor and lieutenant governor. They are walking in lockstep to try and take down Cuccinelli. One by one by one, the libs are trotting out blog posts with all kinds of wild charges trying to win at least one spot for their team.

Stand strong, Cooch.


  1. You would think they would have learned their lesson from Deeds campaign fiasco and having the negative ads work against him. What goes around comes around.

  2. Agreed. We are working hard to ensure that all three of our candidates win on Tuesday.

  3. Of course, when he wins, we get to watch their heads explode....

    Who's got the popcorn?
