Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Friday: George Allen to be in Waynesboro


Join the HANDS OFF MY HEALTHCARE EXPRESS as it travels with Gov. George Allen to Waynesboro on Friday, October 16, at 8:30 a.m.

Some in Washington think Americans’ passion at August town halls was a fluke, but you and I know better. As the details of legislation are released by Congress, the level of government intrusion attached to health care reform becomes a frightening reality.

The promise that ‘if you like what you have, you can keep it’ rings hollow when people see the reality of what Congress is proposing. It’s no wonder Congress is trying to keep the shocking details hidden from the public until the last possible moment.

Recently, the Congressional Budget Office estimated the Senate Finance Committee’s bill would leave 25 million people uninsured despite its preliminary price tag topping $800 billion. A new study from PricewaterhouseCoopers projects individual Americans’ insurance costs skyrocketing under the legislation being considered in Washington.

Americans for Prosperity's “Hands Off My Healthcare” Bus Tour will bring updates from Washington to the people of Virginia and allow them to make their voices heard!

Remember ... Friday, Oct. 16, at 8:30 a.m. Charles T. Yancey Municipal Building, 503 W. Main Street, Suite 210.

See you there!

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