Tuesday, October 20, 2009

"Obama's Russian Embarrassment"

From Virginia Patriot blogger Gov. Jim Gilmore....


I am attaching here a guest column by Rick Brownell of New York, discussing President Obama's recent decision to terminate the U.S. Missile defense program in Eastern Europe. We all are watching the on-going terrorist dangers to the U.S., and this country's response in Afghanistan. We also are watching the President's hesitations. We also need to be watchful as to the U.S.'s strategic position in the world. We have the possibility of making new friends from former adversaries, but we must be strong and vigilant with respect to our decisions regarding countries that will try to gain an advantage, and may any day be adversaries again. In this violent world, we cannot allow our country to be taken advantage of. Please read Rick Brownell's article below, and let me know your thoughts.

James S. Gilmore
Obama's Russian Embarrassment
by Richard Brownell

The naïveté of the Obama administration was on full display this past week after Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's trip to Russia failed to drum up support for tough sanctions against Iran.

Clinton and Obama had hoped that Russia would join the United States in bringing heavy pressure to bear to stop Tehran's nuclear program. They had been led to believe as much just a few weeks ago by Russian President Dmitri Medvedev. But Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told Clinton that diplomacy needed to be given a chance to work and that sanctions would be "counterproductive."
Click here to read the full article.

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