Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Is Government going after private citizens?

~Democrat Obama White House targets Fox News Channel~

The news that the Obama White House is going after the Fox News Channel is the latest example of how GOVERNMENT is using our taxpayer money to go after the taxpayers.

Cases in point:
* White House now has a blog paid for by taxpayer money to attack Fox News;
* Staunton Economic Director swipes back in letter against citizen in Staunton;
* Augusta County goes after Francis Chester who is representing 10,500 taxpayers in a lawsuit against the county;
* Shenandoah County goes after BOS candidate who dares to questions county about spending and more;
* Gloucester County went after taxpayers who tried to have supervisors removed.
Do you see a pattern?

GOVERNMENT can use all its money (our money) to crush down on our Freedom of Speech. If this isn't tyranny, I don't know what is. Tax money pays for time spent writing letters, responding to judge requests, drawing up lawsuits against citizens....

Private citizens today ... Fox News tomorrow ... when will bloggers begin to be crushed?

Freedom of speech is too dear for all Americans.

Don't Tread On Me.

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