Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas Eve Eve

Today is Christmas Eve Eve, a time at our house to prepare for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. We are busy with last-minute cooking and tidying and preparing. The gifts are wrapped and under the tree ... the ham is in the oven cooking ... there's even a moment to catch up on the computer before heading back to the kitchen for the next phase of cooking.

And then Christmas Eve will be here ... we still have more than a foot of snow on the ground ... there's the family buffet and church and the magical affect of twinkly white lights on the snow and candles burning. Everything seems to come to a halt as we celebrate the birth of our Savior.

And there's the excitement of little children as they anticipate the arrival of Santa ... the quiet before the flurry of flying wrapping paper and boxes and ribbon on Christmas morning.

With possible inclement weather in the forecast for Christmas Eve and Day, we'll be ready once again if the predicted ice and freezing rain knock out the electricity.

Christmas Eve Eve ... Christmas 2009 is almost here.

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