Tuesday, February 02, 2010

And the groundhog saw ... snow!

It's a snowy Groundhog Day in the Shenandoah Valley where the groundhog couldn't see his shadow if he tried. The weatherman says we could get an additional 1-3" of snow today. With another snowstorm moving in on Friday, we are absolutely having a wonderful winter in Augusta County.

We were out last night and SWAC Husband was joking with a gentleman who is native to the Valley about the groundhog predicting six more weeks of winter. This gentleman laughed and said, "We're having EIGHT more weeks of winter."

Forget the groundhog. Talk to the natives!


  1. That looks a lot like the nutty flying squirrel, Richmond's new baseball mascot.

    Can somebody please call Copenhagen and tell them we get the joke?

  2. LOL. I'm a winter person and am loving that we are finally having a snowy winter. When younger, we would hit the slopes of Wintergreen and Massanutten but

    I'm content to enjoy in a more sedate way these days. Suffice it to say the heat from the woodstove is feeling good today ... and we're bracing for the weekend storm that is predicted to possibly dump a bunch more. :)
