Monday, February 01, 2010

Augusta County shuts down Rocket Boys ... 2

Part 2: Who is VAST?

See part 1.

Who is VAST? From their website:
Located in the heart of the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, the Valley AeroSpace Team (VAST) is the area's only public rocketry club. VAST is a chartered Prefecture of the Tripoli Rocketry Association (Tripoli Western Virginia #36) and a chartered Section of the National Association of Rocketry (NAR Section #687).

What Do We Do? The Valley AeroSpace Team holds meetings, workshops, and launches for the purpose of aiding and encouraging all those interested in rocketry. We also strive to increase public understanding and interest in rocketry by engaging in fun, scientific, and educational activities.

Why Hobby Rocketry? Since we can’t all work for NASA or catch a ride on the Space Shuttle, we’re left to do the next best thing … launch our own. The thrill of watching something you built streak out of sight riding a tail of flame and smoke is hard to beat. Whether they’re small model rockets or the larger, high-powered versions, they’re all fun and educational. Rocketry is an activity enjoyed by families and enthusiasts of all ages. People from all walks of life enjoy this hobby.

Is Hobby Rocketry Safe? Following strict safety codes has made rocketry one of the safest recreational activities available. In more than fifty years of hobby rocketry, there has not been one fatality or serious injury. Under the umbrella of our two national sanctioning organizations, the Tripoli Rocketry Association (TRA) and the National Association of Rocketry (NAR), Valley AeroSpace Team members launch rockets ranging from small scale models to custom designed high power rockets.
A safe, family-oriented, educational activity for young people in a rural area sounds like a good thing. After all, we could use more wholesome activities because meth and other drugs are a big problem. Young people overseen by volunteer advisors were fortunate to participate in what could have been a stepping stone to future education and careers.

I can almost hear Captain James Kirk on the USS Enterprise saying, "Space ... the final frontier...."

Next -- Part 3: What is agri-tourism?

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