Thursday, February 11, 2010

Beck: "Gore MIA during blizzards"

Even with record snows in this winter of 2009-10, the global warming crowd is still at it. From Glenn Beck's Wednesday show:
"Well, the snow is hammering Washington D.C. again. I believe God is just saying, "I got your global warming here, eh? You want a piece of global warming?" Meanwhile we have the apologist over at NBC News saying that this is proof ... that global warming is real."
Even as other networks talk about blizzards being caused by global warming, Glen compares their ratings:
" This is why NBC wonders why, what was it, Monday night I saw the ratings? We beat NBC or MSNBC by 18 times. At 18 times the ratings of MSNBC. And they wonder why. They keep switching up the host now. They are talking about switching up some more hosts. It ain't the host, man. It's your news. Nobody is buying that the cold is caused by the heat. I mean, that's just ridiculous.
He includes more facts and evidence that we're not under global warming ... check out the rest of his monologue.

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