Monday, February 08, 2010

Green Police? No Audi for me

The "Green Police" Audi ad aired during Sunday's Super Bowl game was scary because, at the rate we're going, that could be America in the years ahead.

To know it was being aired to convince me to buy an Audi was counterproductive for that automobile company. A lot of the "green" propaganda falls in the same column with the "global warming" propaganda, in my opinion. And apparently I'm not alone because other conservative bloggers said the same thing.

However, some liberal bloggers loved the ad including Eileen at VB Dems who said, "Love this Super Bowl Ad!"
Green is mainstream – as evidenced by this funny ad run during last night’s Super Bowl. If only this conscientiousness would infiltrate Virginia Beach’s Parks and Rec department where all those gazillion plastic water bottles are tossed in the trash and not recycled.
She then wondered if the Green Police could arrest the mayor at his "fancy" office building.

The premise of the ad is not the premise of America where we believe in personal freedom. If libs are so concerned about green, they may want to check out the rest of the world where they would get their heads chopped off for sticking their noses into someone else's business.

Scott Lee of the Lee Brothers blog summed it up well:
Actually, it might just be a view into what the radical Left has in store for us! Banning plastic bags, forced recycling, and legislation to demand certain light bulbs is just the beginning! Not a good commercial, it made me mad!
Talk about overbearing, overreaching government ... this ad fed it all.

Phil thought the ad was overreaching. Mike hated it, too. Bob said to count him as part of the "creeped-out" group.

What was Audi thinking?

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