Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Sarah Palin and liberal hypocrisy

Marooned in Marin exposes one sane conservative going up against three hypocritical liberals:
Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs was on with Behar, the dancer Ron Reagan Jr., and liberal talk show host Stephanie Miller discussing the libs manufactured controversy about Sarah Palin's writings on her palm. I think it's fair to say that Geller herself brought the IQ level of the show into positive territory. Without her, Behar's show would have looked like a real life episode of Beavis & Butthead: three liberals making dumb cracks about Palin, who has more intelligence in one fingernail than Reagan, Miller & Behar have combined.

Geller exposed the contempt that liberal elites have for everyday Americans with their cracks at Palin's expense, as well as the hypocrisy of so-called feminists who attack Palin, while ignoring honor killings and mutilation of women's sexual organs.
Interesting definition of Ron Reagan, Jr.:
All Ron Reagan could do was dance around Geller's points like he was still wearing his tutu and ballerina shoes. He tried to speak for his father when, in reality, he represents nothing Ronald Reagan stood for. In fact, Ron Reagan Jr. (like his sister, Patty) has spent most of his adult life acting as a useful idiot for the same liberals who regularly mocked the 40th President of the United States as a dunce, a warmonger, a racist and many other negative slurs.
Be sure to check out the videos....

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