Saturday, February 06, 2010

Sarah Palin at tea party convention dinner ... 700 on waiting list

Palin dinner seats 600 ... 700 more on waiting list

I have a friend who is attending the Tea Party Nation convention in Nashville and she's been updating me on a daily basis since arriving on Thursday. Her excitement is contagious ... she said there is much enthusiasm among the attendees.

Tonight's dinner featuring Sarah Palin as the keynote speaker is sold out and another 700 people are on the waiting list. The convention capped at 1,200 and it's sold out with people from around the world.

China, Japan, Romania, Croatia, France, Italy, Luxemburg, and Canada are represented. Al Jazera English is broadcasting. Sarah Palin's speech will be carried live around the world tonight ... Carl Cameron of Fox News has been covering the event ... tonight Geraldo Rivera with Fox News will have coveraged from 9-11 p.m.

My friend keeps talking about the power of the energy in the building, something reporters have picked up on and are surprised at.

Judge Roy Moore electrified the crowd with his newly-revised "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death" Patrick Henry speech, an experience so emotional that most in the room had tears streaming down their faces. Judge Moore made news when he stood up for the Ten Commandments in Alabama and was removed from the State Supreme Court. He is now running for Governor of Alabama.

Angela McGlowen, a Fox News contributor from Mississippi, insinuated that she will be running for public office which brought cheers from the crowd.

Andrew Breitbart was there ... workshops and seminars have been packed. All major networks are covering the event ... C-SPAN has been filming everything. My friend was interviewed by NPR.

The convention wraps up Sunday at 11 a.m. after worship services and a message from Virginia's own George Washington.

Everyday Americans are becoming involved. Barack Obama and the Democrats have awakened a Sleeping Giant.

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