Sunday, February 07, 2010

Sarah Palin's speech at tea party convention: "I will live and die for the people of America"

Sarah Palin brought the house down at the Tea Party Nation convention Saturday night in Nashville. As the keynote speaker at a sold out dinner that closed the three-day convention, she said what many were thinking as she criticized the current Obama administration, praised our American troops, and thanked the tea party patriots for their activism and love of America. She received rousing applause and standing ovations throughout her remarks that lasted an hour, and the follow-up question-and-answer session.

The tea party movement, she said, is the future of America. "I will live and die for the people of America."

When the moderator said there were two words that scared liberals when mentioning 2012 ... "Sarah Palin" ... the crowd jumped to its feet in thunderous applause and then began chanting, "Run, Sarah, run!"

Here is the speech in its entirety.

H/T to the Tea Party Express

1 comment:

  1. Not to beat a dead horse (Palin)
    Posted by James Ostrowski on February 7, 2010 08:09 AM
    But her post-speech interview was even more galling than the speech written for her.

    When asked what needs to be done, she said, “we need to rein in spending.” She didn’t say how and I swear, if she had said by ending “waste, fraud and abuse,” I would have spit out my Irish whiskey. These are meaningless cliches meant to dupe the conservative masses. If you can’t specify cuts, you’re a fraud.

    And Sarah, “Tea Party” evokes the American Revolution, not the term “taxed enough already.” That slogan is a typical manifestation of the conservative rear-guard action mentality. You can rarely win anything playing defense. I learned that lesson playing ping pong.
