Thursday, February 11, 2010

Shenandoah County "Conservative Call to Action" Breakfast

Our conservative friends in the northern end of the Shenandoah Valley have planned a conservative breakfast for those interested in addressing topical issues:
I recommend that you plan to attend the February 20th "Conservative Call to Action" local gathering. There will be speakers addressing issues that cause such a waste of spending at the local and state levels.

Please RSVP to email address: This is a conservative call to action inspired by the "Tea Party Movement."

Come hear how your tax money is spent. Allen Louderback will be the guest speaker and will explain how a government budget is developed and spent.

Location: Denny's Restaurant - Mt. Jackson
Time: 10:00 A.M.
Date: February 20, 2010

Please join us and educate yourself on how your tax money is spent.
Become involved in a positive way by standing up and speaking out.

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