Friday, February 12, 2010

VA Dems want to return odious car tax

Virginians disapprove of the odious car tax and now Virginia Democrats want to burden the Commonwealth's citizens by bringing it back.

In response, the Republican Party of Virginia released a new web ad Thursday highlighting the only solution Democrats in the Virginia Senate have for the state's budget problems ... raising taxes by bringing back the full impact of the Car Tax.

Pilot on Politics has picked up on the tug-of-war between Republicans and Democrats by highlighting the two-minute RPV video.

RPV Chairman Pat Mullins commented:
"We've always suspected that Senate Democrats had just one thing on their minds when they came back to Richmond this year, but Wednesday's vote on offshore drilling confirms it. The only plan they have to deal with the Commonwealth's budget problems is to reach as deep into taxpayer wallets as possible and grab all they can.

"Democrats in the Senate seem to think 'leadership' and 'solving budgetary problems' means 'raising taxes.' The problem is that Virginians who are suffering in this recession can't afford to have their car tax bills double.

"If you like the car tax and want to see your annual bill double, Democrats in the Virginia Senate have you covered. Meanwhile, Republicans will continue the fight to keep taxes low, remove burdensome regulation and keep Virginia the best place in the country to do business."
RPV released a web ad last week, 12 inches of Global Warming, that caught national attention, received over 15,000 hits, and highlighted RPV's successful emphasis on new media.

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