Friday, March 26, 2010

Dinner with the Republican ladies

Augusta County Republican Women's Club

Thursday evening was spent in Staunton at Rowe's addressing the Augusta County Republican Women's Club, and I thank them for the opportunity to expand on their theme, "One Woman Can Do Something; Many Women Can Do Anything."

They had asked that I share some of my experiences over the past 11 years of active local Republican volunteering, and I was happy to do that. I told them, however, that I was preaching to the choir because they had all been involved in the volunteer grassroots part of politics. No one person can do this. It has to be a team effort.

It was good to see familiar faces including Barb (who had been rambling along the Blue Ridge Parkway with me the day before), and I thank President Bettie Cox, Vice President Phyllis Hollowell, and the ladies for the opportunity to spend some time with them.

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