Monday, March 29, 2010

Rob Bell's office windows smashed

From Del. Rob Bell....

Many of you have called or e-mailed us about the bricks that were thrown through my office window on Thursday night. The vandalism resulted in broken glass being scattered through the room where my legislative assistant Anna works, and it has received attention in local papers and the Washington Post.

The most important news is that no one was hurt. After spending Friday talking to police and picking up glass, things are back and running today. We appreciate everyone who stopped by to help clean up, especially Eric Seitz, who helped put plywood in the windows. Total damages were estimated by the police at $1,000.

The police investigation is ongoing. If you have any information, please call the Albemarle Police Department and ask Robert Warfel (434) 972-4059 mailbox 3884# (Case# -- 2010-02364).

This was the second such incident in our community since the Health Care vote. I think I speak for all of us when I say that this sort of thing has to stop before someone gets badly hurt. We have had propane gas lines cut and now bricks thrown into office buildings. I am hopeful that the police will catch all the perpetrators so that they can be prosecuted. In the meantime, I would encourage everyone to make their voices heard at the ballot box, not through things like this.

Once we get everything fixed, I hope you will again feel comfortable stopping by to say hello or to help with projects. It remains a privilege to serve you.

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