Monday, April 05, 2010

Chris Matthews' selective memory loss toward conservatives

Don't you just love liberals and their selective memories? MSNBC's Chris Matthews is the perfect example in the latest round between less-than-presidential Barack Obama and conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh ... and the Washington Examiner's Byron York didn't let him get away with it:
On Friday, I asked Rush Limbaugh for his response to President Obama's description of him as "troublesome" and of his program as "vitriol." Limbaugh told me he does not believe Obama is trying to do what is best for the country and added, "Never in my life have I seen a regime like this, governing against the will of the people, purposely."

By using the word "regime," Limbaugh was doing something he does all the time: throwing the language of the opposition back in their faces. In the Bush years, we often heard the phrase "Bush regime" from some quarters of the left. So Limbaugh applied it to Obama.
After Chris Matthews made a big deal about Rush's use of the word "regime," Mr. York researched the word and, amazingly, a quick search found that it was used frequently by liberal progressive types:
It appears that Matthews has suffered a major memory loss. I don't have the facilities to search for every utterance of Joe McCarthy, but a look at more recent times reveals many, many, many examples of the phrase "Bush regime." In fact, a search of the Nexis database for "Bush regime" yields 6,769 examples from January 20, 2001 to the present.
The search also revealed its use by Maureen Dowd and the Washington Post. Selective memory loss by Chris Matthews and others on the left? Read Byron York's entire column here.

Thanks to Cato at Delmarva Dealings for the link.

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