Saturday, April 03, 2010

Ed Koch: "Obama ... willing to throw Israel under the bus"

Rush Limbaugh talked Friday about former New York Mayor Ed Koch's extreme disappointment in President Barack Obama's recent rude treatment at the White House of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu:
"I have been a supporter of President Obama and went to Florida for him, urged Jews all over the country to vote for him saying that he would be just as good as John McCain on the security of Israel. I don't think it's true anymore," Koch told Fox News' Neil Cavuto.
Mr. Koch also expressed disappointment with Congress' silence on Israel's treatment by the Obama administration, as reported by Fox News:
Koch said he's shocked that Congress, which largely supports Israel hasn't "stood up and said to the president, 'you're wrong on this, Mr. President.'"
He bluntly expressed his opinion about Barack Obama to Neil Cavuto:
"I believe that the Obama administration is willing to throw Israel under the bus in order to please Muslim nations," Koch said. "We'll know when I'm right or wrong."
Many were shocked at the President's treatment of Mr. Netanyahu but Mr. Koch laid it on the table in no uncertain terms. This president has been photographed bowing to Muslim heads of state which may make many wonder about his allegiance to Israel.

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