Friday, April 02, 2010

ObamaCare: redistribution of wealth

So was ObamaCare about health care ... or more about redistribution of wealth in America Byron York wrote in the Washington Examiner:
It hasn't attracted much notice, but recently some prominent advocates of Obamacare have spoken more frankly than ever before about why they supported a national health care makeover. It wasn't just about making insurance more affordable. It wasn't just about bending the cost curve. It wasn't just about cutting the federal deficit. It was about redistributing wealth.

Health reform is "an income shift," Democratic Sen. Max Baucus said on March 25. "It is a shift, a leveling, to help lower income, middle income Americans."
Obama joked after the bill was signed that no cracks showed up in the earth ... no meteors fell from the sky ... giving the impression that those opposed were fear-mongers.

The reality is worse but it will take years for its complete impact to be known. Meanwhile, we continue to morph into an entitlement nation, as shown by the Democratic National Committee:
This week the DNC group Organizing for America offered a commemorative certificate to supporters who helped pass the health care bill. The certificate said, "We achieved the dream of generations -- high-quality, affordable health care is no longer the privilege of a few, but the right of all."

The privilege of a few? It is widely accepted that about 85 percent of all Americans have health care coverage, and the overwhelming majority are happy with it. There's simply no way anyone could plausibly claim that health coverage is the privilege of a few.
I still maintain that health care is a privilege, not a right. Democrats think otherwise.

And Americans, asleep at the wheel for years, have allowed this creeping socialism to invade in little bits and pieces. What has happened to our country is the fault of all. The question is ... is it too late to turn back?

Time will tell.

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