Thursday, April 15, 2010

Pelosi: Pass something ... anything! ... to have government controlled health care

The words have been read by many and, still, it is incredulous to realize the stupidity behind them. As David Freddoso reported in Wednesday's Washington Examiner, Democrats were determined government controlled health care had to be passed no matter what:
"[W]e have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it," said Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., as she rushed headlong toward passing President Obama's health care reform bill.
Now that the bill has been jammed down an unwilling American public's throats, the details are -- surprise! -- coming to light. As Mr. Freddoso wrote:
The predictable result: Weeks after it became law, we're still finding out what's in it, just like the speaker said.

Would you believe that Obamacare contains a tax increase on the sick and the old?

That in their rush to save face and pass a bill, members of Congress might have accidentally left themselves and staffers without a health plan?

That Obamacare does nothing to stop the huge premium increases that Obama pointed at to justify his bill?
It's maddening how predictable the Democrats are. Read the entire article here for full details about the three new surprises in the health care bill.

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