Sunday, April 04, 2010

Rush: "Never in my life have I seen a regime like this"

Barack Obama seems obsessed with conservative radio commentators and especially Rush Limbaugh even as -- and perhaps because of -- his polling approval numbers continue to tank.

Obama recently told CBS News that commentary from such people as Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck is "troublesome" and filled with "vitriol," adding,"Keep in mind that there have been periods in American history where this kind of vitriol comes out."

If Obama doesn't like "vitriol," he may not want to throw too many rocks inside his glass house.

I've listened to Rush for years and never have I heard "vitriol" from this self-described puff ball. He has been passionate and articulate about his beliefs but he has not been "troubling," as this president tries to portray.

If anything, the President lowers himself and comes across as less than a statesman when making personal attacks against Rush, Beck, Fox News, and others who do not rubber-stamp liberal news and information.

Rush responded to Obama's remarks to Fox Nation:
"I have yet to have a down year at the EIB [Excellence In Broadcasting] Network," Limbaugh responds. "I and most Americans do not believe President Obama is trying to do what's best for the country. Never in my life have I seen a regime like this, governing against the will of the people, purposely. I have never seen the media so supportive of a regime amassing so much power. And I have never known as many people who literally fear for the future of the country."
Obama appears willing to quiet conservative news sources while a complicit MSM looks on. We are definitely at a crossroads in history in America. Rush talked about the latest verbal attack from Obama on his Friday radio show.

Meanwhile, Obama's approval ratings continue to drop, going down five more points since passage of the extremely controverial health care bill that was clearly opposite what the majority of voters wanted and as more Americans fear for the direction he is taking this country.

As the President trash-talks, many are paying attention to the attacks on Rush:

- Politico: Rush Swipes Back at Obama, Says Many 'Fear for Their Country'
- WE: Limbaugh Responds to Obama: 'Never In My Life Have I Seen a Regime Like This' - Byron York
- Rush Limbaugh responds to Obama attack
- The Washington Times: White House admits Limbaugh attacks unhelpful
- The Hill: Obama stiff-arms Limbaugh and Beck

The White House may want to call in their strategists because this one isn't working.

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