Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Trixie Averill ... 6th District Chair candidate speaks at Rockingham mass meeting

Trixie Averill stood with Support the Troops ralliers at the 2007 Cindy Sheehan appearance in Charlottesville. Her sign said, "3 Tour Military Mom." Her son, Sgt. Marcus Averill, was deployed to Iraq three times during Operation Iraqi Freedom. This is my favorite photo of Trixie.

Trixie Averill has had boots-on-the-ground for 30 years working for conservative causes and candidates ... and on Monday night she was speaking to the 100+ attendees at the Rockingham County mass meeting in Harrisonburg.

A Republican activist in the trenches for years, she was typical Trixie ... animated, upbeat, and a patriotic military mom whose son spent three tours in Iraq and one in Afghanistan. She thanked everyone for coming out ... she commented on the large crowd.

She asked, "Is there anyone in this room who doesn't agree with the Constitution? If so, you're in the wrong room!"

She read the duties of a District Chairman from the Republican Party of Virginia Party Plan, emphasizing that a chairman does the business of the Republican Party by supporting Republican candidates and the Republican Platform.

"It's a travesty what Democrats have done," she exclaimed, referring to government health care reform recently pass by a partisan Democrat vote in Congress. We don't have that problem in the 6th District, she added, because of the excellent representation of Congressman Bob Goodlatte.

She emphasized that there are problems in the 5th District where Congressman Tom Perriello (D) voted for the government health care bill, and in the 9th District where Congressman Rick Boucher (D) voted for cap and trade.

Her grassroots activism goes back 30 years and many know her from her years of traveling the Shenandoah Valley supporting Republican candidates and encouraging volunteers who want to be involved.

Trixie walks the walk ... she doesn't just talk the talk.

A brief outline of Trixie's conservative work throughout the years:
- Conservative: pro-life, pro-2nd Amendment, believes in Virginia GOP Creed
- Worked on campaigns for George Allen, Jim Gilmore, Mark Earley, Jerry Kilgore, Bob McDonnell, Bill Bolling, and others
- Traveled all of the Western part of the state since 1993 representing statewide candidates
- Spent countless hours attending and organizing meetings, fundraisers, rallies, parades, breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and untold numbers of barbeques
- Made phone calls, lists, distributed materials, worked Headquarters, sent thousands of emails, poked, prodded, and pushed candidates and volunteers alike to work harder to win the race
- Member of the 6th District Committee and the State Central Committee since 1992
- Currently serves as the Western Vice-Chairwoman
Trixie explained her reason for seeking the 6th District Chairman position:
Now, after 16 years of traveling the West, I’d like to focus right here in my home district. The political landscape has changed and we can no longer assume that the 6th will go red, just because it always has. I do believe that we can still win and win big, but we have to buckle down, work together, and stay focused on the goal.
The 6th District Convention is May 22 in Lynchburg.

I've worked with Trixie as a volunteer for 11 years and have seen her in action all those years. Email me if you would like more information about her or about the upcoming 6th District Convention.


  1. You need to make a correction-Boucher voted against the HCR bill.

  2. You are absolutely correct ... my mistake. It has been corrected.

  3. Averill overall sounds like a boilerplate establishment, "I'm next in line" candidate for CD 6 chair. I'll be surprised if she shakes anything up.
