Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day ... friends and neighbors at Gypsy Hill Park

Staunton business owner Barth Berry served in Operation Iraqi Freedom. Many thanks for his service.

POWs and MIA ... you are not forgotten.

Closing song of Memorial Day service.

He saw quietly beside his owner through the program.

Patriotic chairs, clothes, hats ... people showed their American pride.

SWAC Husband talks with Lyn Bing.

Photos by SWAC Girl
Lynn Mitchell
31 May 2010

The media covered Memorial Day....

Ken Slack with NBC-29 out of Charlottesville/Waynesboro was at Gypsy Hill Park.

Staunton News Leader editor Dave Fritz was on photographer duty at Gypsy Hill Park.

Photos by SWAC Girl
Lynn Mitchell
31 May 2010

Duty done

Retiring the colors, Memorial Day service, Staunton, VA.

Color Guard rolls up the flags after the completion of the service.

Color Guard weapons lean against a tree ... these military veterans have done their duty once more.

Photos by SWAC Girl
Lynn Mitchell
31 May 2010

Memorial Day Service ... Staunton, VA ... Gypsy Hill Park Bandstand

Veteran from Staunton, Virginia.

Posting of Colors by American Legion Post 13. Stonewall Brigade Band members in background.

Veterans from local VFW & American Legion Posts.

The Army chair made me wonder if he was an Army veteran.

Staunton, VA

The program listed the presentation of floral wreaths by various chapters.

Some of the wreaths that were presented to honor fallen heroes.

Presentation by American Legion Post #13 and Auxiliary.

Wreath presentations. They were the ones who helped put this annual program together.

Keynote speaker Rev. Joel Thornton, Bethel Presbyterian Church. His message was uplifting and a reminder to never forget the cost of freedom and those who paid the price, and to remember every day the sacrifices given for our country.

Cole Boylen sang the "National Anthem" in a voice that must have made the angels smile. Nice job, Cole.

Air Force veteran SWAC Husband as "America" was being sung.

The red poppies were scattered throughout the crowd.

In Flander's Field
by John McCrae

In Flanders Fields the poppies blow,
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky,
The larks, still bravely singing, fly,
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the dead.
Short days ago,
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved and now we lie,
In Flanders Fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe
To you, from failing hands, we throw,
The torch, be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us, who die,
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow,
In Flanders Fields.

Many thanks to those who made this annual event possible including Master of Ceremonies Ray Houser (truly the voice of Staunton for 50+ years), the Stonewall Brigade Band, Cole Boylen who sang the National Anthem, Sara Traylor who led the Pledge of Allegiance, Rev. Steve Traylor for the invocation and benediction, and Rev. Joel Thornton for the keynote address.

Mostly, thank you to the military veterans who served this country and continue to serve by remembering those who did not make it home: American Legion Post 13, VFW Post 2216 and Auxiliary, and VFW Post 7814 and Auxiliary.

Photos by SWAC Girl
Lynn Mitchell
31 May 2010

An American veteran honors the fallen

Memorial Day 2010
Staunton, Virginia

Photo by SWAC Girl
Lynn Mitchell
31 May 2010

Future generations ...

A reminder that we fight for our freedoms for future generations ...

... it's for our children.

Photo by SWAC Girl
Lynn Mitchell
31 May 2010

Thank you

On a quiet knoll in southern Augusta County, a simple memorial, a remembrance every day of the sacrifice given for our country. Semper Fi.

Photo by Lynn Mitchell
31 May 2010

Historic downtown Staunton ... American flags for Memorial Day

Downtown Staunton on Memorial Day ... American flags on Beverley Street.

Small Town USA.

Photos by SWAC Girl
Lynn Mitchell
31 May 2010

American pride ... red, white, and blue

Even as Americans paused on Memorial Day to remember fallen heroes, their American pride came through with patriotic colors of red, white, and blue. This hat was on a picnic table in Staunton's Gypsy Hill Park during Monday's memorial service.

Photo by SWAC Girl
Lynn Mitchell
31 May 2010

Day 5 ... Thunderstorms forming over the mountains

Thunderheads form over the Appalachian Mountains for the 5th day in a row.

The Blue Ridge Mountains had thunderstorms forming, too. The temperature got up to 90 degrees today but a delightful breeze in the shade makes it tolerable.

Photos by SWAC Girl
Lynn Mitchell
31 May 2010

Memorial Day moment of silence ... 3 p.m.

America observes a national moment of silence at 3:00 p.m. on Memorial Day as we pause to remember and thank those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedoms. Freedom is not free ... it has cost us dearly ... may we never forget.

Staunton Memorial Day service ... 10 am ... Gypsy Hill Park

Come out to the Gazebo in Gypsy Hill Park at 10:00 a.m. for the annual Memorial Day service. The Stonewall Brigade Band will be there with patriotic music.

See you at the Gazebo....

In memory of Augusta County's fallen heroes ... Operation Iraqi Freedom

Freedom isn't free....

In memory of Augusta County's fallen heroes...

Jason Redifer, 19
USMC, KIA, Operation Iraqi Freedom, January 31, 2005

Daniel Bubb, 19
USMC, KIA, Operation Iraqi Freedom, October 17, 2005

Daniel Morris, 19
USMC, KIA, Operation Iraqi Freedom, February 14, 2007

"All gave some ... some gave all."

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Blogosphere links ... lots of good reads

I don't know if there's just more out there to read, or if I've been sluffing off and now trying to play catch-up, but there seems to be a lot of excellent posts not only in the Virginia blogosphere but by Virginians in other venues as well as other bloggers out there.

Congrats to all the Righty bloggers whose rankings can be found at Yankee Phil's site where he was #2 and Fishersville Mike was #5. Bob at The Journey has the latest issue of THYME Magazine: Journalism With a Better Flavor, with the title story, "Why Being POTUS Means Never Having To Say You're Sorry (Except for America)."

Tom White has branched outside the Virginia blogosphere this week with an article published in the American Thinker. And don't forget his daily News Hound, that regal beagle who continues to hunt for stories around the blogosphere.

Riley posts over at Virginia Virtucon about Jay O'Brien dropping out of the state senate race.

Krystle wants to know whatever happened to the U.S. budget over at Crystal Clear Conservative. She reminds that other issues have taken over our attention but, meanwhile, the budget is still not set. Check out the video.

Out in California, Donald Douglas at American Power blog traveled to Arizona over the weekend to see for himself what the anti-immigration protests were about since he didn't trust the mainstream media to accurately report on the situation. Indeed, what he saw and experienced was much worse than the MSM reports that sounded as if a family picnic had taken place. Donald wrote about immigrants and socialists marching against SB 1070 in Phoenix and said:
This is why I covered it. Reading the morning newspapers on yesterday's illegal immigrant march in Phoenix, you'd think it was just a nice outing for families to stand up against Arizona's SB 1070. But this was no weekend picnic. The event was more about revolution and reconquista than about "immigration reform." The Arizona Republic, CNN, and the New York Times all publised blasé reports, riddled with inaccuracies and omissions. And check the screencap at yesterday's Los Angeles Times below. It's hard to find a better image that captures the media's pro-illegal immigration reporting: "A girl waits to join the march through downtown Phoenix." See how seemingly normal things appear. The editorial choices made by MSM functionaries are staggering sometimes.
He has lots of photos so you can see with your own two eyes what took place. Be sure to check back later today or tomorrow for photos of the pro-immigration rally that took place Saturday evening.

Speaking of a hypocritical media, Brian Kirwin posts at Bearing Drift about President Barack Obama's Memorial Day getaway complete with a song to commemorate the occasion. Imagine if George W. Bush had scampered out of DC to vacation at the ranch on Memorial Day and during the worst of Katrina. The howls of protest would still be heard....

While we're talking about the oil spill, No Sheeples Here has all the low-down on James Carville, Maureen Dowd, and Chris Matthews as it dawns on them that their Emperor has no clothes. Ms. Dowd pointedly wrote in the New York Times:
Too often it feels as though Barry is watching from a balcony, reluctant to enter the fray until the clamor of the crowd forces him to come down. The pattern is perverse. The man whose presidency is rooted in his ability to inspire withholds that inspiration when it is most needed.

For five weeks, it looked as though Obama considered the gushing that became the worst oil spill in U.S. history a distraction, like a fire alarm going off in the middle of a law seminar he was teaching. He’ll deal with it, but he’s annoyed because it’s not on his syllabus.
Wow. That is stunning considering the source.

The Saturday funeral of Spc. Joshua Tomlinson in Shreveport, Louisiana, was a sad reminder of why we pause on Memorial Day to honor those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedoms. Pat Austin at the blog ... and so it goes in Shreveport asked readers to pause for a moment of silence at 2:00 Saturday as the funeral began.

No Sheeples Here posts The Final Salute. Have a Kleenex handy.

There will be many Memorial Day posts Monday. We remember ... we will not forget.

"Thank you for NASCAR where we can still pray in Jesus' name"

"I thank you, Lord, for an organization like NASCAR that still allows us to pray in Jesus' name, Amen."
-- Dr. James Dobson, founder of Focus on the Family
Invocation, NASCAR Memorial Day weekend Coca Cola 600 race
Charlotte, NC

The invocation by Dr. James Dobson for Sunday's Coca Cola 600 NASCAR race in Charlotte was preceded by the All-Army Honor Guard presenting the colors and followed by the Charlotte, NC, Fire Department playing Amazing Grace on the bagpipes.

A 21-gun salute by the Fort Bragg Firing Squad was followed by an Army bugler playing the haunting strains of Taps as soldiers saluted and patrons bowed their heads.

The NASCAR announcer then asked the crowd, "In honor of Memorial Day and all our fighting men and women around the world, please put your hands over your hearts as Army Cpl. John Highland sings the "National Anthem." With a bit of an Irish brogue, Cpl. Highland sang while a huge American flag was held aloft on the infield and fighter jets from the 333 Fighter Squadron out of Seamore Johnson Air Froce Base, NC, screamed overhead. My Air Force veteran husband got all excited at seeing them.

Military families Dickens, Foley, and Barnes started the race by proclaiming, "Gentlemen, START YOUR ENGINES!"

Race on! Boogity, boogity, boogity!

Thank you, NASCAR, for honoring our fallen heroes and our fighting men and women worldwide.

Graduation 2010 ... Blue Ridge Community College

To the strains of Pomp and Circumstance, SWAC Daughter joined the processional for Blue Ridge Community College's commencement ceremony on May 15, 2010, on the campus' green in Weyers Cave, Virginia. The red stole represented membership in Alpha Beta Gamma Business Honor Society, and the gold stole signified membership in the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society.

She received congratulations and a diploma from Dr. John Downey, BRCC President.

While holding down three part-time jobs, volunteering at BRCC, and attending classes, she was able to earn a 3.78 GPA. Newly retired BRCC president Dr. James Perkins, keynote graduation speaker, is in background.

Recessional as graduates head indoors to shuck the gowns and celebrate! Our family celebrated by heading to the Outer Banks.

One happy graduate. Accepted at Mary Baldwin College in Staunton, she will now continue pursuing her degree.

This home school graduate knew at the age of 8 that she wanted to be a business entrepreneur. 

Update: SWAC Daughter fulfills her dream as she graduates with Mary Baldwin College's Class of  2012 with a degree in business.

Photos by SWAC Girl
Lynn Mitchell
15 May 2010

Saturday, May 29, 2010

OBX: Sunset from Oregon Inlet

Sunset behind the fishing boats at Oregon Inlet,
Cape Hatteras, NC.

Photo by SWAC Girl
Lynn Mitchell
18 May 2010

More thunderstorms ... are campers staying dry in Shenandoah NP?

More thunderstorms are rolling into the Central Shenandoah Valley for the third day in a row ... the sky is darkening at mid-afternoon, thunder is rolling, huge clouds are over us as we wait for the rain to begin.

It's Day 3 of storms coming through the area which makes me think of all the campers in Shenandoah National Park and west of here in the Appalachians. Are they staying dry?

We've ridden out some horrible thunderstorms in a tent over the years and it can be a little scary. Only once was it wet and that was in the Adirondacks of upstate New York when the rain came down so hard that it puddled around our tent and started soaking the floor. We ended up in the car but not just because of soaked sleeping bags. We were camping in the midst of huge tall trees -- cannot remember what kind they were -- and the storm was so fierce there was concern a tree could snap and crush tents in the campground. I gladly slept in the car that night.

In a tent you get a light show during a thunderstorm ... flashes of lightning with silouettes of trees dancing across the roof and sides of the tent. It's definitely a different experience than watching from the safety of your house. Luckily, we have never lost a tent or rain fly or anything else in the high winds that accompany something like that.

Our family stayed home this Memorial Day weekend, catching up with yard work after being at the Outer Banks last week. SWAC Husband, SWAC Daughter, and I have spent today outside mowing, trimming, and cutting branches to be hauled to the fire pit. A rose bush injury drove me inside to stop a thorn-induced bleeder ... the other two followed a short while later, driven inside by the storm.

Summer is definitely on its way....

Freedom is not free ... moment of silence at 3:00 today for Spc. Joshua Tomlinson

Spc. Joshua Tomlinson, 24, KIA, Afghanistan.

Army Spc. Joshua Tomlinson, 24, of Shreveport, Louisiana, was killed in Operation Enduring Freedom, Afghanistan, on May 18. His death is why we reflect and honor our fallen heroes on Memorial Day.

Pat Austin and other bloggers in Louisiana are asking that we pause for a moment of silence at 2:00 their time, 3:00 Eastern time, to honor this young man and his sacrifice for America.

Spc. Tomlinson was killed in a vehicle bomb blast in Afghanistan. The hearse carrying his body was escorted from the Shreveport airport by law enforcement and the always-faithful Patriot Guard Riders. A candlelight vigil was held last night in his honor ... the funeral service will be held today at 2:00 p.m. in the Shreveport area.

Shreveport Mayor Cedric Glover ordered all city flags to fly at half-staff to honor Spc. Tomlinson who has been posthumously promoted to Sergeant.

Our prayers go out to his family. May America never forget.

For those who have fought for it, freedom has a flavor the protected will never know.

Sand in my shoes

This morning's sunrise over the Atlantic Ocean at Kitty Hawk.
Photo by Fishersville Mike.

I put on my espadrilles today for the first time since returning from the Outer Banks ... and they were still sandy from my time at the beach. Memories flooded my mind as I debated whether to shake out the sand ... or leave it there to remember climbing sand dunes and dodging waves.

I left it.

Fishersville Mike woke up at the beach today for the long weekend. Sunrise was at 5:48 this morning ... just a week ago it was shortly after 6:00 a.m. Summer is fast approaching.

Life is moving so fast I've not had time to post many photos from our OBX time. Since we're home for the weekend, maybe I'll find time even as others travel for the holiday.

I loved my time at the beach ... but I'm a Mountain Girl at heart. It's nice to be back in the shadow of the Blue Ridge and Appalachians....

Life is a dance you learn as you go

Positive, proactive people inspire me.

Don't make an excuse ... make a difference.

Life hands you a lemon? Make lemonade.

Feel things are unfair to you? Look to a soldier missing a leg, eye, hand to realize it can be worse.

Instead of sitting around waiting for people to make it better for you ... do it yourself! On my sidebar you will see a quote: "Give a man a fish and feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and feed him for a life time." I truely believe that.

Something I have discovered in blogging is the number of other "Lynn Mitchells" in this world who are in a variety of professions.

The Fuzzy Blue Toesock is another "Lynn Mitchell" and I liked her positive message today so much that I wanted to share it. Here's how she ended this uplifting post:
... life seems too short to live in the shadow of wannabes. Instead, embrace the positives. Look on the bright side. Go the extra mile. Sing in the shower. Dance in the rain. Laugh. Flirt. Love. Live. Be what you wannabe. Today.
A kindred spirit.

"More key lime pie, please"

When a new restaurant opens and the patron's review is, "More key lime pie, please," you know you've got a good pie!

A delightful post by fellow Washington Examiner blogger Jessie Newburn explains the title of this post ... and hers ... as she summed up her sweet tooth experience:
Never in my life have I had such exquisite key lime pie as I had at Stanford Grill. Normally not much of one for dessert, I will certainly make sure, next time I'm there, to leave room for their melt-in-your-mouth, gift-from-the-gods key lime pie. Yum! Double yum. And then some more yum.
Be sure to read all of Jessie's experience and, for those who live near Columbia, MD, a culinary delight awaits you at the Stanford Grill.

Cross-posted at Virginia Virtucon

Thursday's lightning storm over the Blue Ridge Mountains

Thunderstorms in the mountains are neat. Years ago when I lived near Blowing Rock, NC, I was amazed as thunder boomed off the mountains, rolling off into the distance only to have another boom start the whole process again, over and over and over.

Thursday night as I left Texas Steakhouse in Staunton, I couldn't help but notice lightning to the east. The restaurant is located on a hill with an excellent view of the Blue Ridge Mountains so I pulled out my camera that is usually with me and, after watching for a while, began to try and capture an image of the lightning that obviously was there to stay for a while.

I was not successful but the light show provided by the storm was awe inspiring. Clouds were lighted or silouetted as well as the mountains ... shades of red, pinkish, orangy in bursts of brilliant white could be seen ... and it was continuous with muted far-off thunder, not the loud sounds-like-a-bowling-alley kind usually heard in the mountains.

The lightning didn't stop even thought I sat and watched for a long time. My reflexes were too slow to capture it by camera. When I uploaded the photos onto my computer that night, they showed merely a blurry-looking light in darkness. Too bad ... it was beautiful to watch in person.

Today's Waynesboro News Virginian has a story about that very lightning. Apparently I wasn't the only one who was captivated by the light show over the mountains, and reporter Tony Gonzalez included some statistics. Did you know lightning flashed 600 times every five minutes that night? No wonder so many were watching!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Travel expected to be up this Memorial Day

Despite tough financial times, or perhaps because of them, 32 million Americans will be traveling during the Memorial Day weekend, up 5.5% over 2009. Some will be traveling across the country ... others will plan short trips within their own states.

Summer travel plans suggest avoiding flying on Sundays; travel to Europe will be pricey; Australia will be a bargain as well as Mexico and Las Vegas. And, in what has been billed as perhaps the best deal of the summer, rental cars will be extremely affordable.

Check for more.

Jay O'Brien ends State Senate race

The news today that Jay O'Brien was dropping out of the state senate race was unexpected and a little confusing. I received the following message:
A Message from Jay O'Brien

Dear Friends,

After much thought and prayer, I have decided to withdraw my candidacy from the 39th State Senate campaign for 2011.

Unfortunately, recent developments in my business will require more of my attention than I had previously anticipated. It is clear to me that I cannot continue a campaign for office without the full concentration it deserves.

I cannot begin to thank all the supporters who have assisted me over the many years I have served in public office; I am grateful to them beyond words. As I begin a new chapter in my life, I will never forget the friends and colleagues who have devoted themselves, often at great sacrifice, to make Virginia and America a better place.


Jay O'Brien

Please refer questions to Jason Flanary at (703) 380-7334.
Then I read an article in that said:
But word of [O'Brien resigning] was making its way through Prince William and Fairfax political circles Thursday afternoon.

It came after O'Brien was apparently caught on security video taking several Martin campaign fliers from the Davis General Store in Clifton.
He and the owners of the store said O'Brien came in Sunday morning, bought gas and a newspaper, and then took the fliers.
Something is missing ... what is the rest of the story?

Memorial Day weekend in the Shenandoah Valley

Are you going to be in the Shenandoah Valley over the Memorial Day weekend? Check out my post in The Washington Examiner with things to do including a memorial service to remember those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our freedoms, camping in Shenandoah National Park, Green Valley Bookfair, and dining/Shakespeare in historic downtown Staunton.

August County: Public hearing on water/sewer rate increase

Neighboring governments in Staunton and Waynesboro have voted to raise water and sewer utility rates, and now Augusta County is looking into doing the same.

A public hearing will be held on Wednesday, July 28, 2010, at 6:00 p.m. at the Augusta Government Center in the public meeting room. The proposed rate increases are published in today's Waynesboro News Virginian, page A9.

This is the opportunity for the public to learn more. The notice in the newspaper read:
Augusta County Service Authority Proposed Water & Sewer Rate Schedule

The Augusta County Service Authority, pursuant to Section 15.2-5136 of the code of Virginia (1950 as amended), hereby gives notice that on July 28, 2010, at 6:00 p.m. a public hearing will be held in the Augusta County Government Complex in the Board of Supervisors Meeting Room, 18 Government Center Lane, Verona, VA, for the purpose of receiving comments from its customers and other interested parties on the adoption of the proposed water and sewer rate increases to become effective for bills generated after July 31, 2010, in accordance with the following scheduled.
The schedules are listed in the newspaper. Example of rate increases:

Unmetered residential bi-monthly sewer fixed fee effective: 8/1/10 - $78.53; 7/1/11 - $86.19. More details can be found at the Augusta County website.

Recap: 900 hear David Barton in Harrisonburg

The journey used to be a handful of people trying to chip away at the Wall of Government. With the help of Barack Obama and the Democrats, America is awakening to a need to stand up, be heard, and make a difference. Republicans, conservative Democrats, Independents, Tea Party, Constitution, Ron Paul, and other conservatives have risen up against more and more government spending and overreaching to say, "No more!"

David Barton has been one of those voices for years educating Americans on our Christian heritage through Wallbuilders, speaking at home school conventions and church conventions and gatherings throughout the country. In addition, he has been called on for his Ameican history experience including the current Texas textbook case where he served on the committee that decided the historical content. His presence has grown more since he began appearing on Glenn Beck's Friday television program on Fox News, helping to educate America about the founders and their purpose for this country.

His presence in the Shenandoah Valley earlier this week was nothing short of spectaculator. Over 900 heard his message at a sold-out dinner, at a mid-day lunch, and at a pastors meeting. His knowledge of American history is stunning.

Dean Welty, Director of the Valley Family Forum, sent out the following update about the dinner. Great evening, great fellowship, great friendships. A tip of our hats to Dean and Janet for their leadership.
David Barton held more than 900 guests spellbound at the Forum’s 9th annual Shenandoah Valley “Salute to the Family” last Monday with a strong case for Biblical principles and the faith of our Founding Fathers as primary influences on the shaping of American government. He concluded that America was and still is a Christian nation -- and perhaps even in the early stages of a Third Great Awakening. Laus Deo!

A Celebration of Our Christian Heritage
The theme for this year’s Salute was “A Celebration of Our Christian Heritage”, and Barton drew from over 100,000 original documents at WallBuilders to present evidence at three different events that America was established on Judeo-Christian principles by strong Christian leaders. (For details about David Barton, go to

The Lunch
With the dinner already SOLD OUT, 320 luncheon guests heard Barton describe the “Keys to Good Government – According to the Founding Fathers”. His central message was that “the key to good government is found in the quality of the people who rule (and) that … this nation can be blessed only in so far as we place God-fearing and moral individuals into office.”

The Pastors’ Roundtable
More than 70 pastors and ministry leaders later packed the Allegheny Room for Barton’s presentation on “The Role of Pastors and Christians in Civil Government”. He described the role of the revolutionary era church in training civic leaders and influencing public policy as a model for Christians to once again become salt and light in every arena of society – including the public square. He also cited recent victories in the Texas school board battles to restore truth to school history books as a great example for this model.

The Dinner
Barton ended the day in a packed ballroom with nearly 550 guests to make the case that America was founded as a Christian nation – and remains so yet today. He drew from a range of quotes by the Founding Fathers and in founding documents, all of which demonstrate that America was established on a firm foundation of Biblical principles and Christian beliefs.

The Wilberforce Award
The Forum was especially pleased to present its very first Wilberforce award to Rita Dunaway for her leadership in regulating sexually oriented businesses (SOB’s) in Harrisonburg, in protecting religious freedoms in the workplace for people like Luis Padilla, and in formulating new pro-life legislation for the Virginia General Assembly.

Supporting Cast
“Gen. George Washington”, rebel fifer Greg Hernandez, the Galloway Music Family, pianist Miriam Clark, and The Faithful Men all set a new standard of excellence for an enjoyable evening that included many pastors, legislators, remarks from President Victoria Cobb of The Family Foundation, and delightful program leadership from WHSV-TV’s Kay Norred and Dr. John Sloop, pastor of the First Presbyterian church on Court Square in Harrisonburg.

In God We Trust
At each main event, we encouraged guests to apply for the new “In God We Trust” license plate that will be considered by the General Assembly next year – if we can get the needed 350 completed applications on file before that time. If you have not yet applied, you can download the form at and send it to the address shown.

Thank You! At the end of the day, however, the success of the Celebration came down to over 900 people who have a passion for God and Country, and who want to help America return to the firm foundation of “religion and morality” on which this nation has prospered for 400 years. We are deeply grateful for your participation, for your prayers, and for your generous support.
The conservative movement continues to gather steam....

Dean has had Ed Meese, Roy Moore, and others for his dinner speakers. Who in the world will he find next year? After David Barton, they will have big shoes to fill!

George Allen on Mark Levin's radio show tonight

George Allen, who has been on a book promotion tour for his new book, What Washington Can Learn From the World of Sports, will be on Mark Levin's radio program tonight at 8:30. His complete schedule for today is below.

The Don Kroah Show
WAVA 105.1-FM, Arlington, VA

The Lee Davis Show
WXJC 92.5-FM, Birmingham, AL

The Mark Levin Show
Nationally Syndicated