Saturday, May 29, 2010

"More key lime pie, please"

When a new restaurant opens and the patron's review is, "More key lime pie, please," you know you've got a good pie!

A delightful post by fellow Washington Examiner blogger Jessie Newburn explains the title of this post ... and hers ... as she summed up her sweet tooth experience:
Never in my life have I had such exquisite key lime pie as I had at Stanford Grill. Normally not much of one for dessert, I will certainly make sure, next time I'm there, to leave room for their melt-in-your-mouth, gift-from-the-gods key lime pie. Yum! Double yum. And then some more yum.
Be sure to read all of Jessie's experience and, for those who live near Columbia, MD, a culinary delight awaits you at the Stanford Grill.

Cross-posted at Virginia Virtucon

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