Monday, May 10, 2010

Chief chef on Mother's Day

The "blog photo" of my Richmond brother-in-law.

He once billed himself to me as "the little brother you never wanted." We've laughed about that throughout the years that he's been married to my youngest sister. He's SWAC Niece's father and he's become a member of the family even though he's still rough around the edges as far as being "southern," this boy from Colorado.

He gave up the Rocky Mountains to move east and became part of our family. One of his hobbies is cooking, an activity we both enjoy. On Sunday, he was the chief cook for Mother's Day as he and my sister hosted three moms gathered in their home to spend time together along with spouses and children.

SWAC Brother-in-Law grilled London broil outside on the deck which was accompanied by sauteed squash and onions, huge baked potatoes with all the fixings, deviled eggs, and garlic bread. It was all topped off with a strawberry shortcake concoction that was full of whipped cream, strawberries, and angel food cake. Yowie.

Lively conversation at dinner was followed with a lively game of Apples to Apples with everyone joining around the dining room table to play, from the 14-year-old niece to the 20-somethings to the parents to the grandparents. We had a ball, and crossing generations like that put an entirely different spin on the game.

My thanks to my bro-in-law for the fantastic meal and hospitality that he extended to the moms. Over the years he became "the little brother I wanted" ... I think we'll keep him around a while longer....

Photo by SWAC Girl
Lynn Mitchell
9 May 2010

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