Monday, May 03, 2010

The blogosphere's fired up....

Congrats to SWAC bloggers and their BlogNetNews/Virginia rankings this week with Yankee Phil at #1 and Fishersville Mike at #3.

Bob at The Journey, another SWAC blogger, has his latest issue of THYME Magazine hot off the press ... and it's a double issue of great conservative reading. Bob bills THYME as "Citizen Journalism with a better flavor." I'll second that!

Tom White at Virginia Right! posted about a second bomb found in Pittsburgh and remembered the days under President George W. Bush when we were safe. Whenever I hear people bash the former president, I always ask, "What part of 'No bombs falling on your head' do you not understand?"

Mike at The Write Side of My Brain takes the Washington Post to task as they (again) try to dig up controversy with Bob McDonnell, a Republican, as governor of Virginia. File it under the category of, "You can please some of the people all of the time...."

Riley at Virginia Virtucon notes that Congressman Rob Wittman is being challenged by Catherine Crabill.

Alan Moore at Bearing Drift wants to know if Virginia should pass an immigration similar to Arizona's.

The Other McCain says Divided Democrats help Hawaii with two Democrats who may split the vote and allow the Republican to win.

The American Spectator blog is also keeping an eye on the Hawaiian race.

Trevor Loudon at New Zealand blog is following Barack Obama-style politics in the States, doing research on his own about the shady characters around this administration. When asked why, he said if the United States falls, the new world power could be China.

Pat at And So It Goes In Shreveport has random thoughts for a Monday.

No Sheeples Here has more on those surrounding the Obama administration.

The bomb in Times Square has everyone talking including Pundit and Pundette.

Archy Carey at Breitbart's Big Government updates on new media/news media court case.

Lots of reading around the blogosphere....


  1. Thanks for the rundown. How do you find time to read them all?!

  2. I don't always find time, Joy. I read when I can because there is so much interesting information out there. Thanks for coming over to check them out.

  3. I check you everyday, sometimes more than once.

  4. Thanks for linky love.

  5. Phil, likewise for the link at your site.
