Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Chris Matthews desperately seeking attention

What better way for Chris Matthews to try to up his ratings or get attention than to go after the #1 radio talk show host, Rush Limbaugh? After all, his cable network is continually bested by Fox News so is it any surprise the gnat would go after the King of Conservative Radio?

Matthews' desperate plea, courtesy of Media Research Center:
A desperate-sounding Chris Matthews, on Tuesday's Hardball, put out a call to a Republican, any Republican, to come on his airwaves to denounce Rush Limbaugh as a liar. At the top of the show the MSNBC host issued the following challenge:
CHRIS MATTHEWS: And out on a Limbaugh! We're issuing a challenge tonight and every night to elected Republicans. Come on Hardball please sir and madam and tell us you disagree with Rush on anything! Tell us you've had it with his distortions, his misrepresentations, his outright falsehoods. We invite you to tell us he's not the leader of the Republican Party. It's our standing offer. Come on Hardball and tell us Rush isn't telling the truth.
Cable news ratings for Monday, May 10, were:
Entire Day ...
Fox News Channel: 1,124,000 viewers
CNN: 418,000 viewers
MSNBC: 452,000 viewers
CNBC: 250,000 viewers
HLN: 270,000 viewers

Prime time ...
Fox News Channel: 2,164,000 viewers
CNN: 511,000 viewers
MSNBC: 872,000 viewers
CNBC: a scratch w/100,000 viewers
HLN: 413,000 viewers
Poor, desperate Chris Matthews.

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