Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Does Mollohan defeat in WVA signal trouble for Boucher in VA?

Is neighboring West Virginia a bellweather of things to come in Virginia's 9th Congressional District?

In West Virginia, long-time Democrat incumbent Alan Mollohan (1st CD) was defeated by state Sen. Mike Oliverio in the Democratic primary. Politico reported:
In coal-dependent West Virginia, Mollohan also found himself taking heat for the ambitious Democratic push for climate change legislation. In the final weeks leading up to the primary, Oliverio was endorsed by a handful of area newspapers that pointedly criticized Mollohan for not speaking out more strongly against the cap-and-trade bill and for not voting against the bill until the last minute.

Mollohan also found himself under fire from his former allies in the pro-life movement, who targeted the veteran congressman over his support for the health care reform bill. The Susan B. Anthony List, a pro-life group, launched radio ads and robo-calls in the district targeting Mollohan during the primary. West Virginians for Life pulled their longtime support for him and endorsed Oliverio.
Rep. Rick Boucher in Virginia's coal-rich 9th Congressional District could be facing the same scrutiny from voters over his votes for cap-and-trade and Nancy Pelosi's leadership of the House.

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