Thursday, May 13, 2010

House economic recovery working group launches YouCut

From Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-VA)

It is no secret that the American people are facing a very tough economic climate. Families and small businesses are cutting back on expenses. As economic uncertainty continues, many across our nation are looking to the government for leadership during this difficult time.

In these challenging economic times it is even more important for government to control spending. The federal government must work to both eliminate every cent of waste and squeeze every cent of value out of each dollar our citizens entrust to it. With families and small businesses all across our nation making tough decisions each day about what they can and cannot afford Congress should not be allowed to ignore these tough decisions when creating spending policies for the federal government.

Today I joined with House Republican Whip Eric Cantor and other members of the Republican Economic Recovery Working Group in launching a one-of-its-kind initative, YouCut, a project designed to reverse the culture of spending in Washington to a culture of savings. Beginning today, people from Virginia’s 6th Congressional District and around the country can vote -- both online and on their cell phone -- on spending cuts they would like to see the House of Representatives enact.

House Republicans will then offer an up-or-down vote on the spending cut that receives the most public support. The people of my district will have direct input on what they feel is the best way for the government to save money, each and every week. I urge everyone to log on to the YouCut website and vote today!

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