Monday, May 10, 2010

Living in the shadow of Shenandoah National Park

The Blue Ridge Mountains loomed in front of us as we drove to a friend's surprise birthday party over the weekend. Their house is located on the side of the Blue Ridge and their property joins up with Shenandoah National Park.
It's a beautiful, peaceful, serene location and I tried to snap photos through the trees as we climbed up the road. This is overlooking the lake with the mountains (and Skyline Drive) in the background. It was a wonderful evening with home school friends as we all remembered the years educating our children at home and how they are growing (grown) up which means we are growing older. What is that saying? "Make new friends but keep the old; one is silver, the other is gold." How very true.

Photos by SWAC Girl
Lynn Mitchell
8 May 2010

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